Annotated Summary

Annotated Summary on HVAC system. (Seekers - Don)

In the article “The Rising Demand for Air Conditioners”, Team (2020) claims that the use of air conditioning is increasing and thus, driving the global electricity demand by 2050. Southeast Asia is already using about 60 percent of its electricity for air-con alone. The need of air conditioning has been increasing even till today due to the increased ambient temperature from climate change. Climate change had cause countries like France and Australia to experience temperature as high as 45.9 degree Celsius and 49.5 degree Celsius in 2019. Heatwaves are becoming more common and it is affecting everyone in this planet, Earth. Heat can prove lethal, especially to vulnerable group such as infants, the sick and elderly. A simulation was conducted by the Centre for Climate Research Singapore, the result shows that Singapore can expect to face temperatures of 40 degree Celsius as early as 2045. With the rise of global temperatures, more people are buying air conditioning units today. The air conditioning units create an environment where one will feel much more comfortable when the sweltering heat is replaced with cold air. With the increasing frequency of air conditioning usage, it leads to a higher power consumption. However, an increasing rate of air conditioning use can also increase the rate of carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere. A leak from a faulty air conditioning unit can also release refrigerant (hydrofluorocarbons) into the atmosphere thus trapping heat in the Ozone layer and worsening global warming (climate change). The writer also mentions that by educating consumers on efficient usage and easy to read manuals can also reduce carbon footprints and power wastage.

273 words

Last updated: 13/11/20, 2030hrs.


Team, T. A. (2020, July 19).


  1. Dear Donovan,

    For an annotated summary, the reference should be placed all the way at the top of the document. The annotated summary also needs to include your view on the article and how it relates to your research topic.



    1. Hi Joel,

      Thank you for your comment, I will take note of it.


  2. Dear Donovan,

    Your annotated summary is missing your views on the topic and the link between your findings and your report. Otherwise i had a great time reading your summary.


    1. Hi Dennis,

      Thank you for your comment, I will take note of it.



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